Centralised label management and automated deployment software.
Design and manage labels at a single location: with our sleek label design system you can use a universal interface, keeping training needs to a minimum.
Easily manage users and their permissions: security features like Active Directory Integration enable you to use your existing IT network, simplifying user management.
Full audit trail for the management of production changes: version control enables approval and roll-back procedures.
Component-level insight through the Domino Cloud to provide you with gains in efficiency, productivi
Business Insight To Keep One Step Ahead
Seconds of downtime means lost revenue. Consequently, streamlining operations has become an absolute necessity. Domino helps you to protect your products and keep your line moving – giving you the analytics and system alerts to reduce servicing costs and increasing efficiency from product to pallet.
our printer performance diagnostic information will be sent via a safe and secure connection to the Domino Cloud – which is viewable anywhere or anytime via the Domino customer dashboard.
This new industry-leading technology provides comprehensive support for Domino printers located around the globe. The active remote monitoring, means you’ll always be on-hand to detect problems long before they lead to downtime.